
In Work

My name is Lisa Berasi and I am a marketing/communications professional specializing in graphic design and illustration. I have worked across many industries including finance, government services, biotechnology, publishing, primary education, and most recently higher education.

Currently, I am the Assistant Director, Marketing and Communications for Boston College, Division of Student Affairs. I am the internal digital communications lead and serve 11 departments. In this multifaceted role, I create a variety of graphics, manage website content, lead new technology integration, coordinate social media, oversee branding, and large-scale event campaigns. I also serve on a variety of committees that focus on Title IX, Employee Professional Development, and Civic Engagement.

Before Boston College, I worked as an independent contractor. (Like so many people in 2009, I was a casualty of the economic downturn.) This time allowed me to further refine my skill set and diversify my resume by providing business development and creative services to clients in biotech, government services, and primary bilingual education.

For approximately 10 years, I worked for Affiliated Computer Services, Inc./ACS Unclaimed Property Clearinghouse. I started as an Executive/Marketing Assistant and left as a Senior Production Associate. My roles evolved over time, but I primarily served as the project manager for the production of Request for Proposals, designed print and web communications, created presentations, managed event logistics, and oversaw our Sales Force client database.

My educational background includes a B.A. in Studio Art, a Certificate in Graphic Design, and most recently, a M.A. in Administration with a focus in Organizational Development. I am a life-long learner, and frequently sign up for workshops and classes in technology, design, and management.

In closing, I am most driven by my desire to help people, whether it’s a small project or a comprehensive marketing campaign. If you would like to learn more about my professional background, please view my complete resume online, download a PDF, or contact me.

Outside of Work

A little bit about me and what brings me joy outside of work.

  • Spending time with friends and family | I am most at home, when I am hanging out with close friends and family. I am  someone who still has many early childhood friends (even from elementary school).  I am a quality vs. quantity person and always score "smack in the middle" when it comes to being either an introvert or extrovert. 
  • Animals (sometimes this moves to #1) | I LOVE animals! If I did not pursue communications, I may have become a veterinarian or a vet technician. My stepfather owned a pet store, so from an early age, I learned to be comfortable around all critters (big and small). Growing up we always had at least two dogs and a cat at any given time. Today, I have one dog, Alfredo, and I volunteer for a rescue called Last Hope K9 Rescue.
  • Drawing | I enjoy illustration, both freehand and on the computer. (You might notice a lot of the illustrations in my portfolio are of animals.)
  • Cooking | This is what relaxes me after a long day of work. I am a comfort food person, and make a lot of soups and pasta dishes. If you are not feeling good or going through a hard time, there is a good chance I will make soup for you.
  • Traveling | When I can, I love to go to new places. Last summer, I was lucky enough to go on a staff /faculty educational trip to Nicaragua.  It was a humbling and amazing experience.
  • Walking | I love to walk everywhere. If we walk together you might tell me to slow down. I am always happy to slow down.
  • Humor and Stories | Humor is often what propels me through good or bad circumstances. I have a slightly sarcastic and dark sense of humor and I love to tell stories. My colleagues say I am great at it!